New Cohort Enrollment

New Cohort Enrollment is available to program administrators in the NBCRNA portal. Click here to manage student enrollments.


2023 NCE and SEE Annual Report

View the NCE and SEE Annual Report (Calendar Year 2023): Summary of NCE and SEE Performance and Clinical Experience.



2023 SEE Predictive Value Research Brief

View the Various Uses and Predictive Value of the Self-Evaluation Examination (SEE) Reasearch Brief here.



Program Administrator's Guide to Student Management

>>Be sure to read the Program Administrators Update newsletters below for the latest PA information.<<

Certification Materials

NCE Materials

NCE Handbook

SEE Materials

SEE Handbook


Historical NCE/SEE Descriptive Statistics Reports

The following documents are provided for historical purposes to assist nurse anesthesia educational program administrators with monitoring program graduate NCE and SEE performance (most years). Program administrators should ensure that the appropriately dated report is used when examining their students’  performances against national performance data.

2009 NCE National Summary Data
2010 NCE National Summary Data
2011 NCE National Summary Data
FY 2012 NCE/SEE National Summary Data
FY 2013 NCE/SEE National Summary Data
FY 2014 NCE/SEE National Summary Data
FY 2015 NCE/SEE National Summary Data
FY 2016 NCE/SEE National Summary Data
FY 2017 NCE/SEE National Summary Data

FY 2018 NCE/SEE National Summary Data